
Art Farm Logo

Art Farm is a nonprofit organization under danish law.


The name of the association is changed from danceOmatic to Art Farm to support a more professional association. The proposal is approved unanimously by the board.

danceomatic logo and artfarm logo


We are doing our first traditional Chinese performance in Kolding Storcenter. Subsequently, we tour in Taiwan with danceOmatic “carry the art.”
We do a voluntary performance for Red Cross holiday camps, and perform the performanceTALKER at Kolding culturenight

dancers in chinese costumes


The association danceOmatic is founded on 24th of april 2018.
During the year, danceOmatic will be held at the ViaThea Straßen Theater Festival in Görlitz Germany and Kolding Kulturnat.

picture of danceOmatic at ViaThea Festival

2017 and before

The project danceOmatic receives support from the foundation Aarhus 2017, to develop danceOmatic’s dance machine in a collaboration with Le-Yun’s dance group from Taiwan. The support spans 2016 and 2017.
In collaboration with Danish and Taiwanese dancers, musicians and stage builders, the concept is performed and developed in Taiwan. The software in the dance machine gets a functional boost, and the dance machine is made mobile and gets a new design. In Taiwan, five dancers operate in 2016; three from Taiwan and two from Denmark. eqaully so in Denmark in 2017.

picture of danceOmatic first time in Taiwan

Articles of association

  1. The name of the organisation is Art Farm.
  2. The organisation is home in the municipality of Kolding, Denmark.

The association is a non-profit association that aims to create artistic and cultural activities, with the main focus on dance. Other art forms that the association will make to a lesser extent involve music, design, digital design and visual art. including:

  1. To bring art out to the human being in order to arouse an interest in various forms of expression, primarily professional dance, and give them the desire to seek out places that perform dance and visual theater as performing arts.
  2. Participating arts.
  3. To create, stage and perform performing arts.
  4. Give the audience an insight into the world around us, and give foreign audiences an insight into Danish culture.
  5. To build local and international networks for performing arts, and give Danish choreographers the opportunity to present Denmark to the world.
  6. Involve professionals and non-professionals in dance.

  1. At the foundation of the association, its assets consist of DKK 0.00.
  2. The association's operations are financed by project and operation applications, user fees, ticket revenues, co-productions, partners, sponsorships, voluntary gifts and help from volunteers.

  1. Anyone who has paid a membership fee to the association and who joins the association's purpose and idea base is a member of the association.
  2. The board can exclude members who oppose the association's purpose. The decision of the Board of Directors can be brought before the general meeting.
  3. A member is considered to have resigned when the person in question has not announced his or her continued membership in connection with the convening of a general meeting.
  4. The association keeps a register of the members' names and contact information (including but not limited to: address, email, telephone - the member can always be informed what information the association has registered).
  5. The membership fee is determined at the general meeting.

  1. The general meeting is the association's supreme authority.
  2. The board of directors is elected at the general meeting so that two members are elected in even years and three in odd years - re-election can take place.
  3. The Board of Directors constitutes itself with a chairperson, deputy chairperson and cashier.
  4. The board of directors leads the association in accordance with these articles of association and the resolutions of the general meeting.
  5. In the event of a tie in the Board of Directors, the chairman's vote is decisive.
  6. The Board of Directors may employ a day-to-day management.
  7. The Board of Directors also decides its own rules of procedure.

  1. The general meeting is the highest authority of the association.
  2. The Annual General Meeting is held once a year, no later than March and is announced per. email to all members no later than 30 days before.
  3. The agenda for the annual general meeting must contain at least the following items:
    • Election of conductor.
    • The board's report on the association's activities in the past year.
    • Presentation of the association's accounts.
    • Any suggestions.
    • Determination of budget, including contingent.
    • Election of board of directors.
    • Election of auditor and deputy auditor.
    • Optionally.
  4. Proposals must be received by the chairman in writing no later than 14 days before the general meeting and forwarded by the chairman immediately after receipt to the members.
  5. Extraordinary general meetings can be convened with 14 days' notice when at least 1⁄2 of the association's members so wish or a majority of the board with an indication of the agenda and a motivation for the convening.
  6. All decisions at a general meeting are made by a simple / simple majority of votes. Exceptions to this see §9 and §10.
  7. The general meeting legally announced at any time has a quorum.
  8. Minutes shall be taken of the proceedings of the general meeting, which shall be signed by the chairman. Here it can be introduced that at least 2/3 of the association's members are present and the like.
  9. The association's members have the right to stand.
  10. The members of the association have the right to vote. Voting by proxy is not possible unless the member is a company. As a proxy, no one can represent more than one member.

  1. Only the association's assets are liable for the association's obligations.
  2. The association is signed by the chairman and treasurer of the association.
  3. The Board of Directors may notify the day-to-day management of the power of attorney, which is determined in accordance with detailed guidelines.
  4. Borrowing, buying, selling and mortgaging real estate must be approved by the board of directors.

  1. The financial year is 1/1 to 31/12.
  2. The accounts consist of but are not limited to the operating accounts, status and the report of the Board of Directors.
  3. The association must not create wealth.

  1. These articles of association can only be amended by a 2⁄3 majority at a general meeting, where the proposed amendment appears on the agenda.
  2. The amendments to the articles of association enter into force with effect from the general meeting at which they are adopted.

  1. The association can only be dissolved by a 2⁄3 majority at two consecutive general meetings, where the amendment appears on the agenda.
  2. Upon termination, any profits are used for non-profit purposes within the purpose clause.
  3. No part of the association's assets may accrue to the members.

  1. Amendments to the articles of association adopted at the annual general meeting 20/04/2018.
  2. Thus passed at the founding general meeting.

Minutes of the general assemblies (in Danish)

Founding General Assembly 2018
General Assembly 2019
General Assembly 2020
General Assembly 2021
General Assembly 2022
Ekstraordinær General Forsamling 2022
General Assembly 2023